

《少年特工科迪2》是一部动作冒险片。由凯文·阿伦执导,弗来自兰克·穆尼兹 、安东尼·安德森360百科、汉娜·斯皮尔里满培针特等主演。


  • 中文名称 少年特工科迪2:伦敦追踪
  • 外文名称 Agent Cody Banks 2:
  • 发行公司 米高梅 MGM
  • 制片地区 美国
  • 导演 凯文·阿伦


片名少年特工科迪2:伦敦追踪英文名Agent Cody Banks 2:Destination London
发行米高梅 MGM上映日期2004年3月12日


    经过第一集破惊天阴谋救出女友后,少年特工科迪又回来了,当然,这回他将接受更加艰难的任务,经历更惊险刺激的挑战!重新回到CIA特工行列的少年特工科迪·班克斯(弗兰·穆尼兹 饰),接受了新的任务,前往伦敦追捕一名变节的特工。这名特工偷窃了高度机密的大脑控制装置,科迪必须秘密赶在他破坏世界前,把这个装置夺回来,要不然整个人类将可能遭受重创。
    从美国抵达英国伦敦后,科迪以学生的身份,就读于一间寄宿学校,他一边在学校里上课,一边秘密地侦察变节特工的藏身处。在众多最新特工武器的帮助下,科迪在伦敦街头势无可挡,开始了他兴奋刺激的追逐旅行。此时,一个风趣幽默的黑人特工德里克(安东尼·安德森 饰)被派来帮助科迪,使他的冒险追捕更加惊险,两人出生入死历经许多劫难,终于查出疑犯的所在地
    长相酷似科迪女友的艾米丽(汉娜·斯普里特 饰)也为科迪帮了不少忙。时间过得飞快,科迪得与时间赛跑,他必须赶在大脑控制装置卖给意图控制世界的邪恶头脑前,将装置夺回来并把变节者绳之以法带回美国接受审判……



  哈罗德·兹瓦尔特 Harald Zw日律红穿受样思脸束art

  导演:凯文·阿伦 Kevin Allen

 来自 主演:弗兰克·正互过胜针培穆尼兹 Frankie Muniz

360百科  安东尼·安德森Anthony Ander富扬啊格又日矛其以儿边son



  凯瑟·大卫 Keith David





  少器委庆女烟谁攻护年特工科迪2插曲 Right Thurr 歌词

  uh ey dirty (what)

  look 岁鲜丰促局下集at that girl right there (aw)

  she make me faint (ohh)

  ohhh oh oh

  do whatchu d助等o

  I like the w诗点更旧假洋贵ay you do that r天星跳绍好审七牛ight thurr 米情生让投(right thurr)

  Swish your hips when you walk, let down your hair (down your hurr)

  I like the what you do that right thurr (right thurr)

  wet your lips when you talk,that make me s这苗贵评先lurr (make me slurr)

  I like the way you look in them pants, say you fine (fine)

  your mama a quarter peice, she far from a dime (dime)

  The type of girl that will getchu up and go make you grind (grind)

  I'm thinkin bout snatchn' her up

  Dirty, making her mine

  Look at her hips, look at her legs, Ain't she stacked (stacked)

  I sure wouldn't mind hittn' that from the back (back)

  I like it when I touch it, cuz she moan lil bit

  Jeans saggin', so I can see her thong lil bit

  I know she grown lil bit, 20 years old, you legal

  Don't trip off my people, just hop in the regal

  I swoop on her like an eagle, swoop down and rate

  I know your popular, but you gon be famous today

  I like the way you do that right thurr (right thurr)

  Swish your hips when you walk, let down your hair (down your hurr)

  I like the what you do that right thurr (right thurr)

  wet your lips when you talk,that make me slurr (make me slurr)

  I like the way you do that right thurr (right thurr)

  Swish your hips when you walk, let down your hair (down your hurr)

  I like the what you do that right thurr (right thurr)

  wet your lips when you talk,that make me slurr (make me slurr)

  She be shoppin at front nack, just look at her front back

  Man she's soo stacked, does she knows that I want that

  He make he's soo whack, girl can i taste your cat

  Gave her 300$ to spend, like buying a throw-back

  She stay in the club, like they be saying she got it

  In real life, girl remind me of pochantas

  She be at events, like the best when she past

  All the high rollin' cats, wana pay for that ssss

  Niggas half steppin', strapped with a nice weapon

  It's against the law for her to move them hips

  If you ever seen it dirty, your mouth gone drop

  World wide, fools volenteer tell you its off top

  I like the way you do that right thurr (right thurr)

  Swish your hips when you walk, let down your hair (down your hurr)

  I like the what you do that right thurr (right thurr)

  wet your lips when you talk,that make me slurr (make me slurr)

  I like the way you do that right thurr (right thurr)

  Swish your hips when you walk, let down your hair (down your hurr)

  I like the what you do that right thurr (right thurr)

  wet your lips when yo


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